After months of campaigning for her husband, Michelle Obama made a comment that not only costed her husband votes in the democratic primaries, but also created the perfect play ground for you-tubers and bloggers.
"Hope is making a comeback and, let me tell you, for the first time in my adult life I am really proud of my country. Not just because Barack is doing well, but I think people are hungry for change."
Michelle Obama has since done several interviews explaining her comments, trying to convince the masses that she indeed loves and cherishes the country that has given her so much. However this has done little to keep the blogs from being written and videos being posted about her “unpatriotic” ways.
John McCain’s wife, Cindy McCain, used the comment as the perfect opportunity to show her patriotism.
Many republicans jumped on the patriotic boat and began to create videos showing their “American Pride”.
Barack Obama has had his own “unpatriotic" drama. Claims have been made that he refused to say the pledge of Allegiance at an event. He also been questioned about how often he wears an American flag pin.
Though these issues will not fix the economy or provide solutions in regards to our international relations; it sure to take first stage during this general election campaign.
So Michelle, for your comments either intentional or not, you get this week's "Why oh Why did I say that " award.
"Hope is making a comeback and, let me tell you, for the first time in my adult life I am really proud of my country. Not just because Barack is doing well, but I think people are hungry for change."
Michelle Obama has since done several interviews explaining her comments, trying to convince the masses that she indeed loves and cherishes the country that has given her so much. However this has done little to keep the blogs from being written and videos being posted about her “unpatriotic” ways.
John McCain’s wife, Cindy McCain, used the comment as the perfect opportunity to show her patriotism.
Many republicans jumped on the patriotic boat and began to create videos showing their “American Pride”.
Barack Obama has had his own “unpatriotic" drama. Claims have been made that he refused to say the pledge of Allegiance at an event. He also been questioned about how often he wears an American flag pin.
Though these issues will not fix the economy or provide solutions in regards to our international relations; it sure to take first stage during this general election campaign.
So Michelle, for your comments either intentional or not, you get this week's "Why oh Why did I say that " award.
I believe that no one person is perfect. We all make mistakes and especially when giving speeches. I believe that Michelle meant to say that this moment made her prouder of her country. Not the ignorant idea that she has never been proud to be an american!
What people are missing here is that she said ADULT life. Considering that she became an adult after 1985, with the rise of "conservatism" and "Regan Democrats," it's no wonder that she is proud of our political system for the first time. The Regan presidency is the most misunderstood era for promoting political racism (note that it was the REGAN administration who coined the term "welfare queen") and undermining the progress achieved by Lyndon B. Johnson and Dr. Martin Luther King. If what she meant is that she is proud that people of all color and creeds are coming together (indeed, for the first time in her adult life), then I too am really proud of my country.
I think we all can think of times when we were not as proud of our country i.e. slavery, manifest destiny (slautering of native americans),iran-contra scandal. But that does not mean that I am not proud of where we are going.
I think she should b grateful to be an american! She has the opportunity to be the next 1st lady.
Some white people forget that it is not always easy to be proud of a country that doesn't seem to want you here, no matter what your status is. Michelle is highly intelligent and educated, yet the conservative pundits want to paint her as the stereotypical angry black woman just because she has thoughts and opinions. When I hear more about the McCains and their history of adultery and drug abuse, I don't want to hear another negative thing about Michelle Obama.
Michelle is just speaking the TRUTH. White people know nothing about being a BLACK AMERICAN and having to go through HELL just because of the color of your skin. Michelle is a black american and so I believe she had every right to say what she said. What does it mean to be proud to be an American anyway...?????I wonder was all the BLACK SLAVES ..PROUD to be an AMERICAN,while they were BEATEN and SEPARATED from there families...?????
Even Laura Bush has defended Michelle Obama:
i would be proud for the first time if I was 'bout to move into the White House too. LOL.
America must look at it's history and realize that she has been unkind to all races execpt the anglo saxon. Ask a 75 year old black person how they feel about M. Obama's comments and they share with you a lifetime of pain and unjustice.
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